Occupational Health Referrals
What is an Occupational Health Management Referral?
One of the roles of Occupational Health is to advise about fitness for work. The aim is to ensure that the activities that you carry out at work and the environment in which you work will not adversely affect health. We also recommend workplace adjustments that could be considered to assist you in overcoming any health challenges that may be affecting you in the workplace.
Referral for Occupational Health advice will generally be for one of the following reasons:
> At the recruitment stage to ensure that you are fit for work and identify any recommended workplace adjustments can be considered
> If you have been absent from work due to illness for a period of time
If you have had several shorter absences due to ill-health
> If there are concerns about your fitness whilst you are at work
> You have had an accident or incident resulting in sick leave
You have other health issues affecting your attendance, performance or behaviour that causes concern
How do I make a referral?
Referrals can be made by contacting us for the Management Referral Form
The referral form can be sent by either the manager or a HR representative.
Upon receipt of a referral form, OHS will assess the referral and notification of the earliest available appointment will be sent to the employee and manager within 5 days.
Alternatively, employees can self-refer for advice and guidance. See the self-referral page for more information on this process.